We have been committed to sustainability since our foundation.
Almost 30 years ago, at a time when this topic was not yet a feature of many corporate agendas, Abreu Advogados was a pioneer in creating a management model that privileges sustainability and development of initiatives in this area.
From the very beginning, we have been an institution that has actively worked to create a positive impact on society and to contribute to its development. We are proud of this history.
The fact that we are the first law firm in Portugal to publish a sustainability report, to be certified as a B Corp and to join the National Goal for Gender Equality, results from the path
that we have forged and the commitment we have had to sustainability since our founding.
Looking at the coming years and the emerging challenges, boosted by a pandemic, which has not yet ended, and by a war that started recently, I believe that sustainability, in its various aspects,
will take on an increasingly central role in corporate strategy and in our daily lives. This centrality will imply a change in the behaviour of both people and institutions. Not only has Abreu not ignored this challenge, it has also tried to lead by example.
Inês Sequeira Mendes,
Managing Partner
This feeling of individual well-being goes beyond the organisation itself and depends on a balance of family, social, environmental and professional factors. Our objective is that the people who make up Abreu Advogados can combine all of these factors in perfect balance.
We will always be a firm committed to the fulfilment of the people who collaborate with us and with the community in which we operate.
Only in this way can we be a law firm involved in sustainable development with deep respect for people, the environment and future generations.

We develop a long-term vision
Over 29 years, this model has allowed us to be pioneers in the construction of a humanist culture that values, supports and promotes the best social, economic and environmental practices.
Abreu pioneering spirit
Discloses billing data, as an integral part of the transparency posture that we defend in our business.
Considers Pro Bono hours a key indicator in performance evaluation (KPI)
Responses capable of meeting global challenges
We govern our contribution to sustainability according to the following guidelines:
Recognise the importance of our activity as lawyers in the defence of the Rule of Law and sustainable development
Develop balanced, transparent and responsible relationships with our stakeholders
Promote an active response to environmental problems
Seek employee development as a differentiating factor
Promote investment in the community and drive the development of society in general.
Our Sustainability Committee ensures a space for reflection and support for the strategy for defining sustainability and identifying intervention priorities. It consists of 5 fixed members and 8 rotating members. We have also created a group of Ambassadors who streamline projects, helping to reinforce our culture of sustainability.
In our intervention, we apply the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria, around which the global response we give to our clients in legal services also gravitates.
Progressing in the application of measures, in accordance with the requirements of the most credible working groups and international organisations dedicated to climate goals.
Perfecting our diversity, gender and inclusion policy, which since our inception has guided the way we think about the composition of our teams, promoting education and training platforms as a factor of sustainable development and putting our knowledge and legal experience at the service of the community in building a more informed and just society.
Ensuring the highest standards of transparency and ethical performance and a robust corruption prevention policy.
When we choose sustainability, we choose to be the future
The commitments we have made
Focus on Sustainability in Abreu Advogados’ business
Creation of the Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Department.
Launch of a biennial theme for Sustainability - Legal Up - in order to optimise the impact of initiatives.
Drafting a letter of commitment for our suppliers.
Creation of the ESG service - Environmental, Social and Governance.
Reactivation of the Sustainability Commission to coordinate and monitor the sustainability plan.
Appointment of ambassadors to lead initiatives defined within the scope of the Sustainability Commission.
Contribute to the reflection on sustainability in the legal sector.
Creation of the Sustainability School, dedicated to the training of final year law students, in the area of Law and Sustainability.
Creation of ESG Chair at Nova School of Law.
Promotion and dissemination of knowledge about social, environmental and governance challenges in legal activity.
Signing of collaboration protocols with faculties, namely NOVA School of Law, NOVA Green Lab and IE Law School (Madrid).
Developing the Pro Bono legal service policy and community support
Restructuring of the Pro Bono Commission.
Update and renewal of institutional protocols with Pro Bono partners.
Promoting employee engagement with Pro Bono partners
Promotion of legal literacy
Creation of Legal Literacy Manuals with the aim of translating existing legislation into a language accessible to all people.
Support of the Dyslexia Day by Day project in the interpretation of legislation applicable to children with dyslexia.
Reinforce Abreu's commitment to reducing the carbon footprint and efficient use of resources
Submission of greenhouse gas reduction targets to the Science Based Targets initiative.
Joining the Climate Ambition Accelerator, with the aim of combating change climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Awareness of employees for the efficient use of resources and development of sustainable initiatives to develop in the office.
Promotion of the use of smooth modes of transport, through the provision of an Electric Bicycle for employees to travel.
Implementation of eco-communication practices.

Focus on Sustainability in Abreu Advogados’ business
Creation of the Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Department.
Launch of a biennial theme for Sustainability - Legal Up - in order to optimise the impact of initiatives.
Drafting a letter of commitment for our suppliers.
Creation of the ESG service - Environmental, Social and Governance.
Reactivation of the Sustainability Commission to coordinate and monitor the sustainability plan.
Appointment of ambassadors to lead initiatives defined within the scope of the Sustainability Commission.
Contribute to the reflection on sustainability in the legal sector.
Creation of the Sustainability School, dedicated to the training of final year law students, in the area of Law and Sustainability.
Creation of ESG Chair at Nova School of Law.
Promotion and dissemination of knowledge about social, environmental and governance challenges in legal activity.
Signing of collaboration protocols with faculties, namely NOVA School of Law, NOVA Green Lab and IE Law School (Madrid).
Developing the Pro Bono legal service policy and community support
Restructuring of the Pro Bono Commission.
Update and renewal of institutional protocols with Pro Bono partners.
Promoting employee engagement with Pro Bono partners
Promotion of legal literacy
Creation of Legal Literacy Manuals with the aim of translating existing legislation into a language accessible to all people.
Support of the Dyslexia Day by Day project in the interpretation of legislation applicable to children with dyslexia.
Reinforce Abreu's commitment to reducing the carbon footprint and efficient use of resources
Submission of greenhouse gas reduction targets to the Science Based Targets initiative.
Joining the Climate Ambition Accelerator, with the aim of combating change climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Awareness of employees for the efficient use of resources and development of sustainable initiatives to develop in the office.
Promotion of the use of smooth modes of transport, through the provision of an Electric Bicycle for employees to travel.
Implementation of eco-communication practices.

We know that our performance is part of a global context of unprecedented challenges, for which the answers will also have to be scaled.
Read our Sustainability Report and discover how we are committed to the Sustainable Development Goals towards which we believe we have a relevant contribution to make.

Read our Sustainability Report and discover how we are committed to the Sustainable Development Goals towards which we believe we have a relevant contribution to make.